Saturday, October 30, 2010

The mom hair diaries

Lately i have been sporting this one quite a lot. its a great "second day" hair-do
ya know, the one where you washed and did your hair the day before, but you arent going to today? well this is what i do. i tease up the front and part it and simply bobby pin it back straighten all of the whispys down by my face and im ready to go! its super easy and takes me about 5 minutes! i love it. i used to have super long blonde hair that i would curl everyday before i had my son, but shortly found out that its not too realistic anymore since im a mom, especially since most of my getting ready involves rushing to take a shower while my son cries in his swing. So i ask you, WHAT IS YOUR "GO TO" MOM HAIRDO?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Picture mania!

Now that i have a beautiful baby i want to snap pictures of him all the time!
here are some new ones!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Birthing Story

It was excatly 10 days before my due date and i had an appointment with my midwife at 9am, she stretched my cervix and ruptured my membranes to get things going. I REALLY wanted to have this baby so i started walking, and walking, and walking some more. At about 3pm i started having some contractions but nothing serious i waddled around on my birth ball and ate some dinner all the while i was at my moms house. My husband got there around 7pm and i decided that we should go on a walk, well i didnt even make it to the next stop sign before we had to turn around because my contractions had intensified ALOT. We went to the midwifes office and she checked me, not even dialated to 3! She told me to go home and take a bath that we might have this baby the next day or so. I got home and hopped in the bath, it helped the contractions a lot so there i sat in the bath talking to my husband and eating otter pops. I decided i had had enough of the bath situation and as soon as i stepped out of the bath BAM my contractions hit me like a ton of bricks. So there i lay, on the couch writhing in pain while my husband played his xbox, but that wasnt enough entertainment so he popped some popcorn! so there i was in the worst pain of my life and my husband was enjoying himself over there just munching away on his popcorn. Finally i talked him into going back over to my moms house, so between contractions i hustled my butt into the car. I layed on my moms couch for probably one 30 minutes before i decided it was time to go to the hospital. Off we went, me and my husband in our can and my mom and aunt in theirs. By this time it was about 9:30 pm. The 45 minute drive to the hospital was THE WORST car ride i have ever taken. I was SO uncomfortable and just silent trying to focus on my breathing, every so often my husband would look over and ask if i was ok. We pulled into the emergency room all the while i was puking into my 3 year old step sisters easter bucket (that got left outside under the car). We ran between contractions into the waiting room (they were less than a minute apart now) i slunked myself over the ladies desk in a bad contraction and asked her to "just give me a minute." People could definantly tell that i was about to have a baby so the other people in the waiting room were moving out of their chairs for me While another pregnant lady casually was walking into the emergency room as well carrying her bags, makeup on, hair did and guess what??? they wheeled her out BEFORE ME! To say the least i could have killed her. Finally a man brings a wheel chair to take me to the OB and when i get there they didnt even have a room ready for me, nope so i was stuck in the "monitoring room." 5 minutes pass, no nurse, 15 minutes pass, no nurse. Finally my mother had my husband go get a nurse to tell her that i was having contractions less than a minute apart. The nurse arrives and is asking me some routine questions when i ask if i can get a little medicine and she says no not untill she checks me, so very sarcastically i say "ok then check me!" She mosies on around to get ready to check me and she says "OH! your a rim!" not knowing what that was i ask ok so how many centimeters am I? and she exclaims that i was dialated to 9! all of our faces dropped!!! So in a huge hurry i had to change into a gown and get wheeled into a room, my midwife had to be called to come from 45 minutes away! Oh and at 9 centimeters dialated NO MEDICINE ALLOWED! So approximately 45 minutes later at 11:40 pm almost right after the midwife got there i pushed me out a healthy baby boy!
he weighed 6lbs 11oz and was 20 1/2 inches long! We named him Rhiot Stephens

Monday, October 11, 2010

Diapers and Dinners

May 26th at aproximately 11:40 i became a mother to a beautiful baby boy. He weighed 6lbs 11oz and was 20 1/2 inches long, we named him Rhiot Lanar Stephens after his great grandpa Lanar Cluff. We have been having so much fun being parents its unreal! ive been a stay at home mommy, but trust me its definantly a full time job between Diapers, Dinners, feedings, play time, naps, cleaning and the whole mess of other things being a mom and a wife entails. Ive learned so much these past 4 months like

* You really dont need that much sleep to function
* Husbands really dont help out all that much
* You can legally breastfeed in public and not get charged with indecent exposure
* You learned how to change a baby on Your lap
* You learn to wear spit up proudly
* Nap time is your sanctuary
* Showering is a priveledge not a right
* You learn how to nurse a baby while walking through the aisles of wal-mart
like i said, MESSY. haha

Its a tough job but someones gotta do it and i recently have dubbed myself SUPER MOM!